
Showing posts from September, 2017

Ready to Roll!

First I would like to say how concerned I am about the hurricane destruction from Harvey and Irma. My heart goes out to those affected and I believe that, although it seems difficult now, things will turn around and you will be able to rebuild bigger and better! The cruise I am going on in ten days has been switched from it's Eastern Caribbean destinations (US Virgin Islands, British Virgini Islands, and Bahamas) to a Western Caribbean path. Our new ports include Honduras, Belize, and Mexico.  I have to admit that I am even more excited about these ports since I have never been to these places, but am excited to see the rainforest and ancient ruins, as well as the beach!  I am grateful that I have this amazing opportunity. Today I was assured that the money I spent reserving my excursions from the eastern islands will be refunded so that I can choose western ones.  I was also notified that our hotel before the cruise will reopen on Monday. I was very productive today too